What is a movie?
Movie, also called "film" is a serie of images with movement. It can be based on a real or imaginary story.
What are some kind of movies?

There are a lot of genres, but we are going to give some examples:
- Comedy: they're about funny situations, you can find entertainment and have a good time laughing and seeing the actors involving them in a serie of comic stories. For example: Shrek, American Pie, Scary Movie, etc
- Romantic: They have a little of comedy, but the principal theme is a love story, they usually have a couple, they have problems with their relationship and the most of the time they have a happy ending. Example: Romeo and Juliet, A walk to remember, 500 days with Summer, etc.
- Horror. They have a scary story, usually you can find a person who has to fight with murderers, ghost, zombies, etc. Examples: Resident Evil, The Ring, Silent Hill, etc.
- Musicals: They have a poor dialog because they express themselves singing and dancing. Examples: Grease, High School Musical, Moulin Rouge, etc.
Well, there are so many genres but we can't talk about all of them, there are the principal genres of films.